
Showing posts from April, 2022

CODE OF ETHICS: Privacy Policy (Image)

  Image 1 Showing: How the University of Belize is governed by the Code of Ethics in their decision-making process.     References (n.d.). University of Belize | Education Empowers a Nation. Retrieved April 8, 2022, from Core Code of Ethics | NFCC CPO . (n.d.). National Operational Guidance. Retrieved April 8, 2022, from

CODE OF ETHICS: Privacy Policy (Students as the customers)

  CODE OF ETHICS: Privacy Policy Students as the customers   Students are representatives of the institution wherever they go. Hence, they must continue to exhibit commendable behavior even when they are away from the institution. As students, you are expected to be responsible people. You will be responsible for all books and equipment (for the school) which are in your care or under your supervision when they are being used. As students you must not discriminate base on sex, race, creed, color, national origin, political affiliation, disability, family status, sexual orientation or age when on campus and conducting the affairs of the school.  As students we must be thoughtful to the problems of his/her fellow classmates and teachers.  Refrain from making false statements whether it be through social media in person or to others,  about the institution, students or its employees and avoid rumors and hearsay. Students are aware that the institution may observe content and information p

CODE OF ETHICS: Privacy Policy

  CODE OF ETHICS: Privacy Policy Professional groups of people and by extension customers/students or the public at large are guided by a code of ethics. Any such code consists of a set of rules governing the professional behavior of the group. Whereas the Institution and the employee share a commitment to public trust and confidence.  The institution, the employee and the students have agreed to adopt the following Code of Ethics which requires that they adhere to the principles set forth in the Code of Ethics of the University of Belize. Faculty as the employees All employees should carry out in a professional manner, their duties, as well as those assigned to them by the Management.  Employees should always avoid giving offense to the religious convictions of fellow employees, students or parents/guardians. Likewise, they must not make uncomplimentary references to the students' families or homes. (That is, in the presence of students. However, certain things can be shared wit