CODE OF ETHICS: Privacy Policy (Students as the customers)


CODE OF ETHICS: Privacy Policy

Students as the customers 

  1. Students are representatives of the institution wherever they go. Hence, they must continue to exhibit commendable behavior even when they are away from the institution.

  1. As students, you are expected to be responsible people. You will be responsible for all books and equipment (for the school) which are in your care or under your supervision when they are being used.

  1. As students you must not discriminate base on sex, race, creed, color, national origin, political affiliation, disability, family status, sexual orientation or age when on campus and conducting the affairs of the school. 

  1. As students we must be thoughtful to the problems of his/her fellow classmates and teachers.  Refrain from making false statements whether it be through social media in person or to others,  about the institution, students or its employees and avoid rumors and hearsay.

  1. Students are aware that the institution may observe content and information published, posted or otherwise made available by students through social media.  

This is so because the institution expects that:

Students exercise discretion when posting materials in order to ensure that it is neither inappropriate nor harmful to the Institution, its employees, or students.  Students should be aware of the effect their actions may have on their image, as well as the institution’s image. 

Students should operate on the basic principle of respectful treatment for all persons and accordingly be firmly committed to ensuring a harassment-free, positive environment for all employees and students.  

  1. Students should be aware that software and video surveillance are being monitored to strengthen the institution’s security.   

The main goals are to prevent theft, ensure institution resources are being used 

appropriately, monitor the behavior of students while on campus and provide evidence 

for any potential investigation that may arise. 

  1. The institution will be equipping their computers with students monitoring software.   The monitoring will be in accordance with the monitoring laws and regulation to establish limits.  

This is so as to:

Avoid others representing any person or the institution wrongfully, soliciting, demanding or receiving a token from any person or institution where the student’s personal interest in any transaction may affect their fairness regarding the institution's best interest.  

As employees and students of the University of Belize we are shareholders in its success. By observing these Codes of Ethics and going the extra mile, we bring about the desired outcomes of further educational advancement. In order to achieve this objective, all of us must work together hand in hand. You should, therefore, observe a reasonable and proper loyalty to the internal administration of the school. You are invited to discuss your concerns with the management in a cordial and open-minded fashion. 

Together we achieve success.


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