CODE OF ETHICS: Privacy Policy

 CODE OF ETHICS: Privacy Policy

Professional groups of people and by extension customers/students or the public at large are guided by a code of ethics. Any such code consists of a set of rules governing the professional behavior of the group. Whereas the Institution and the employee share a commitment to public trust and confidence.  The institution, the employee and the students have agreed to adopt the following Code of Ethics which requires that they adhere to the principles set forth in the Code of Ethics of the University of Belize.

Faculty as the employees

  1. All employees should carry out in a professional manner, their duties, as well as those assigned to them by the Management. 

  1. Employees should always avoid giving offense to the religious convictions of fellow employees, students or parents/guardians. Likewise, they must not make uncomplimentary references to the students' families or homes. (That is, in the presence of students. However, certain things can be shared with other members in order to help the students.)

  1. As employees your chief desire is to render service. The teaching profession should exemplify this to the highest degree. 

  1. As employees we must not discriminate base on sex, race, creed, color, national origin, political affiliation, disability, family status, sexual orientation or age when performing the duties and conducting the affairs of the school. 

  1. As employees we must respect the confidence of others. We must not disclose confidential information or records concerning the Institution nor the students and must maintain the confidential nature of all accounts, grades or any personal affairs of all students acquired in the course of your association or relationship with the Institution. Therefore, handle students and employees’ information in a careful manner. 

  1. Employees should be aware that the institution may observe content and information published, posted or otherwise made available by employees through social media.  

This is so because the institution expects that:

Employees should conduct themselves in a manner as to avoid all circumstances that could lead to even the slightest appearance of inappropriate and unethical behavior.

Employees must be proud of his/her profession. He/she always reflects to those outside the profession a pride and satisfaction in the work in which he/she is engaged.

As employees we must air his/her grievances through proper channels.  Refrain from blasting or defaming the character of others or the institution in any inappropriate manner.

  1. Employees should be aware that software and video surveillance are being monitored to strengthen the institution’s security and productivity.  The monitoring will be in accordance with the monitoring laws and regulation to establish limits.  

The main goals are to prevent internal theft, examine employee productivity, ensure institution resources are being used appropriately, and provide evidence for any potential lawsuit. Also to avoid conflicts of interest, such as working for or representing any person or institution as a teacher, soliciting, demanding or receiving a token from any person or institution where the employee’s personal interest in any transaction may affect their fairness regarding the institution's best interest.  


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